Debby Lewis Harrison

Tag Archive: Debby Lewis-Harrison Photography

  1. Stationery

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    No, I didn’t steal these from the office!  I did buy them for the shoot but realised a good pencil is hard to find!  I hope these remind you of getting excited about your new pencil case and it’s contents on the first day of term – or was that just me?

  2. Home Baking

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    These home baking images were great fun to do.  I loved making such a mess (although clearing it all up after wasn’t much fun), and Esther was brilliant at rolling out the choc chip cookie dough!

    Thanks to Kate for making us feel so welcome and for her lovely kitchen and Esther and Ivy who were brilliant models.

  3. Good Friends

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    We’ve been cooking italian cuisine for three weeks and we’re still not through with even  a third of the garlic I had to buy for this shoot.  You’ve gotta suffer for your art and believe me my friends are…constant garlic breath, not good!

  4. Egg Whites

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    Duck Eggs shot in natural light.  I was lucky none of them broke as I was manipulating them into place.  Although I think an eggy mess might make an interesting shot…maybe next week.

  5. Ode to the long forgotten fairy cake

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    Since cupcakes have come on the scene no one seems to remember the humble but oh so delicious fairy cake.  I wanted to keep these simple and classic with not even a sugar sprinkle in sight!  So next time your tucking into a mountain of buttercream spare a thought for the cupcakes forgotten relation.

  6. Classic Victoria Sponge

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    I wanted to create a feminine and pretty take on this classic cake.  My food stylist couldn’t make the shoot at the last minute so I found myself baking again after a 20 year break!  I wanted it to look homemade and tantalising enough to tuck into right away.  I hope you like it.

  7. Noodles

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    This shot of delicious noodles was inspired by a casual dinner at wagamama.  I wanted mine to be more fine dining than utilitarian chic.  The linen napkin and delicate duck egg bowl adds finesse.

  8. Sometimes only a mojito will do!

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    This shot was taken at the Sky Lounge at the top of the Mint Hotel in Leeds, Yorkshire.  I set up the shot after spying this beautiful bouquet of mint.  I just needed the rum and brown sugar – but not sure if I would then have been able to focus my camera.

  9. Olive Rolls

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    I love shooting food mainly because I get to eat the leftovers.  These olive rolls were deliciously warm, straight from the oven and I ate mine with an unhealthy spreading of salty butter.  I wanted them to look rustic and freshly bought from market and I think the rough hessian cloth added texture.