Debby Lewis Harrison

Tag Archive: Debby Lewis-Harrison Photography

  1. Blueberry Tuesday

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    Here are a couple of shots I managed to tag onto the end of a shoot last week.  We were in a lovely location and I spied this beautiful french dresser.  Shot and styled by myself, I ask: are blueberries the most photogenic of the fruits?  Hmm…something to ponder anyway.

  2. Freshly Baked Scones

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    I almost rushed this shot in my excitement to eat these scones.  They smelled so good and were still a little warm.  I’m glad I did capture them looking freshly baked before we smothered them in butter and jam.  Lesson learnt, never skip breakfast before a food shoot.

  3. Tiny Fried Eggs

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    Believe it or not this is the first egg I’ve ever fried, albeit a tiny quails egg.  It was easier than I thought it would be as I’m no Nigella in the kitchen.  I hope it inspires your breakfast this weekend, although you’ll probably need more than one.

  4. Flower Pressing


    It’s been a busy week in the studio but I managed to find time to shoot some flowers.  These roses were on their last legs, I think they are more beautiful when they are in the final throes of life.  I like how the delicate white flowers mirror the water in the vase as it’s projected onto the background.  I like these a lot (am I allowed to say that?).

  5. One of Five a day…

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    Apparently vegetables are good for you.  I have a bit of a child like relationship with veg, surely if you have salad on one day that’s your veg intake for the week?  Well, anyway I digress. I enjoy shooting vegetables much more than I enjoy eating the things.  I hope you like these rustic shots of veg in their simplest form.


  6. Mushrooms & Shallot Skins

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    These mushrooms were so smelly it was not a pleasant experience shooting them at all.  Thankfully they look so pretty I can forgive their off putting aroma.


    I love the simplicity of these beautiful shallot skins, rich in colour and somehow elegantly lounging.

  7. Arts & Crafts

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    Here are some shots from an arts and crafts style shoot I did last week.  The client wanted to get across the trend for making things by hand using an array of colours, fabrics and finishings.  There are more on my website: