Debby Lewis Harrison

Category Archive: Uncategorized

  1. Sometimes only a mojito will do!

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    This shot was taken at the Sky Lounge at the top of the Mint Hotel in Leeds, Yorkshire.  I set up the shot after spying this beautiful bouquet of mint.  I just needed the rum and brown sugar – but not sure if I would then have been able to focus my camera.

  2. Olive Rolls

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    I love shooting food mainly because I get to eat the leftovers.  These olive rolls were deliciously warm, straight from the oven and I ate mine with an unhealthy spreading of salty butter.  I wanted them to look rustic and freshly bought from market and I think the rough hessian cloth added texture.

  3. Frilly Pants

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    I wonder how many disappointed hits I’ll get with this blog title?  Today I made a series of some beautiful pretty lingerie in a blush, pink and cream tonal range. And my much beloved french rattan and mahogany bed also made it into a few of the shots.  The sunlight was in and out but added a beautiful soft, warm light to the delicate fabrics.  Very Parisian I hope.