Debby Lewis Harrison

Category Archive: Uncategorized

  1. Pastel Eggs

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    I love eggs, days when I get 2 boiled eggs for breakfast are happy ones. I also love shooting them because of the way the light envelops their beautiful curves. Here’s a little series I shot recently, a stylised version of the egg honesty box.

  2. Well spotted

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    I’ve been super busy these past few weeks and have lots of new work that I’m not allowed to show yet. So here’s a little shot I did the other day and well done if you spotted that this wasn’t a shot of food (apart from a few lemons). I’ve been  in love with this crockery ever since the fabulous Rosie Hopper picked it up for me for a lovely oyster shoot we worked on together.

  3. Waitrose Summer Cocktails

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    Here’s a little look at the lovely work I did for Waitrose Summer Cocktails. It was a gorgeous shoot in a lovely garden in Wandsworth and we were super lucky with the weather. Hope this makes you want to invite your friends round and get a little tipsy.

  4. The Candy Carousel

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    I had a great time setting up this shot. And I love how it looks with my branding. Light greys mixed with candy colours, milk bottles over flowing and melting ice cream cones. Thank you Paperchase for the fabulous horse.

  5. Food& blog post

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    I’m so pleased to have been asked by the amazing foodie food blog ‘food &’ to do a photo essay for a delicious frittata recipe. I love the food& blog, it’s such a beautiful looking site and the recipe was delicious too. Check out the full recipe at

  6. Pea Pods & Hands

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    I don’t normally shoot people but our food stylist Steffi ( had a great idea for a shot of someone shelling peas. Our model Conny, I’m sure you’ll agree, has the perfect hands for the job. It’s nice to see a bit of action in my work rather than me just trying to get a carrot to look less melancholic.

  7. The Spring Radish

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    These freshly picked radishes have such an intense colour. They’ll add a peppery taste to your favourite salad as well as looking so delicate and pretty when sliced thinly. Add a little sea salt to bring the flavour out. But don’t forget to give them a good rinse,
    salad + grit = yuk.

  8. Steak…Grrrr

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    Yesterday I was in Bristol shooting in a beautiful location house with the amazing recipe writer and food stylist Genevieve Taylor. Genevieve has written many cookery books and I literally had to tear myself away from reading them to crack on with our shoot. They will definitely be going on my ‘to buy’ list.  Her Pies book will be coming out in a fortnight or so and I couldn’t recommend it enough – lots of vegetarian recipes too which leads me onto one of our shots of steak. Cooked rare and accompanied by lightly fried and buttered mushrooms. It might be a bit too early to think about a big meal but it might give you some ideas for lunchtime. If you don’t fancy meat then we shot some beautiful langoustines too, which look like crazy alien sea creatures if you look at them too long.

  9. My latest work

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    Today we were shooting posh fish and chips and a marinated sliced duck breast salad with ginger and chilli vinaigrette.  As a vegetarian I only got to sample the chips but they were as yummy as they look.

  10. Website New Work

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    I’m still enjoying my new website and todays shoot works super well with my lovely branding from Design by Journal. Check out my website for new work: