Debby Lewis Harrison

Author Archives: debbylh

  1. Flower Pressing


    It’s been a busy week in the studio but I managed to find time to shoot some flowers.  These roses were on their last legs, I think they are more beautiful when they are in the final throes of life.  I like how the delicate white flowers mirror the water in the vase as it’s projected onto the background.  I like these a lot (am I allowed to say that?).

  2. One of Five a day…

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    Apparently vegetables are good for you.  I have a bit of a child like relationship with veg, surely if you have salad on one day that’s your veg intake for the week?  Well, anyway I digress. I enjoy shooting vegetables much more than I enjoy eating the things.  I hope you like these rustic shots of veg in their simplest form.


  3. Mushrooms & Shallot Skins

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    These mushrooms were so smelly it was not a pleasant experience shooting them at all.  Thankfully they look so pretty I can forgive their off putting aroma.


    I love the simplicity of these beautiful shallot skins, rich in colour and somehow elegantly lounging.

  4. Arts & Crafts

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    Here are some shots from an arts and crafts style shoot I did last week.  The client wanted to get across the trend for making things by hand using an array of colours, fabrics and finishings.  There are more on my website:

  5. Stationery

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    No, I didn’t steal these from the office!  I did buy them for the shoot but realised a good pencil is hard to find!  I hope these remind you of getting excited about your new pencil case and it’s contents on the first day of term – or was that just me?

  6. Home Baking

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    These home baking images were great fun to do.  I loved making such a mess (although clearing it all up after wasn’t much fun), and Esther was brilliant at rolling out the choc chip cookie dough!

    Thanks to Kate for making us feel so welcome and for her lovely kitchen and Esther and Ivy who were brilliant models.

  7. Jammy

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    Sometimes dinner seems just too far away and what better way to stave off hunger than with good old bread and jam.  This cherry jam is totally tangy with the seedy bread and creamy butter…perhaps I’ll have it for breakfast as well.